
  • Shifa Zahratuni Salsabila Universitas Galuh, Ciamis, Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

Dynamics, Agrarian, Government, conflict


This article outlines the results of an in-depth analysis of agrarian conflicts in the archipelago, with a focus on the challenges faced and the social impacts they cause.
Agrarian conflict, which generally arises from disparities in control, perception and conception of natural resources, is investigated in the context of individuals, groups, communities and other related parties. The importance of understanding the social impacts of agrarian conflict on the communities involved is highlighted, including
economic losses, environmental damage, social tensions and human rights violations. Through analysis of the period of agrarian conflict eruption in 2014-2018, it was
revealed that land conflicts spread throughout Indonesia, with conflicts dominating in provinces such as Riau, North Sumatra and West Java. The factors that form the background of agrarian conflict are also explored, including aspects of land control, competition for natural resources, inequality, injustice and powerlessness in accessing factors and resources. In addition, the article discusses conflict resolution steps, including encouraging mechanisms for ideas such as social forestry and agrarian
reform, as well as conciliation, mediation and arbitration. The strengths and
weaknesses of agrarian conflicts are analyzed in depth, identifying the potential for
positive change in agrarian policy and increasing public awareness of land rights. However, violence, uncertainty and dependence on judicial institutions are also
recognized as weaknesses that need to be overcome. This article also explores the opportunities and threats associated with agrarian conflict, providing insight into how such conflict can trigger policy change and recognition of community tenure rights, but also has the potential to cause division and reduce government legitimacy. By understanding the dynamics of agrarian conflict and the government's key role in dealing with it, it is hoped that a just and sustainable solution can be found to achieve agrarian reform in the archipelago


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Cara Mengutip

, S. Z. S. (2023). AGRARIAN CONFLICT ANALYSIS: CHALLENGES AND SOCIAL IMPACT IN THE ARCHIPELAGO. Journal Education and Government Wiyata, 1(4), 203–211. Diambil dari


